
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Morning blog readers!
Well I sit here this morning taking a few to take into my head and heart some feelings....WOW, not long and we will be in DENVER!
There is a girl on face book who I recently have become friends with...She is a 35 year old adult....beautiful adult. Of course I looked at all her wedding pictures...go straight to her ear to see if her aids were noticeable...isn't that was we all do? ha ha, well this mother has those things on her mind, I guess it seems normal to me. Anyway, her implant was turned on the 24Th of January. She shares a video of activation day...WOW, I have watched it 7 times, and I cry harder each time! I hear her voice, which seems to be great...then I think of Aubrey...will she have this reaction? will it be this moving for her?
I must be honest and also share that i think back to ALL the audiologists we have had....I want to tell them all and i mean ALL how and where we are today is NOT because of ANYTHING they have done. I think back to ALL and I mean all...Audie's and speech therapists and I think....why? I your face! I, I feel so sorry for those who are still in with them. Especially our first Audiologist. I wasted 10 years with that woman, she did nothing but make me feel like a bad parent. Like I was wrong for going to family learning weekends with Aubrey in Greatfalls at the school for the deaf and blind. I never had a true understanding of Aubrey's hearing loss...I had to beg for information...I was at this woman's mercy for all the wrong reasons. Skip a few...move on to the last audiologist we had in Missoula. I thought he was amazing. He had hard of hearing daughter, i thought...OKAY this man understands and truly knows this road. Well for about a year he was great! Then when i got more "in your face"...her hearing was changing almost weekly, his attitude changed. I personally wonder how much it has to do with him working THE doctor in the state of Montana who does cochlear implant surgeries. This doctor mind you REFUSED to implant Aubrey. He actually called me the night before we left for Denver and let me know how he felt! I cared, He had made it sound as if he had been apart of our "team" for years...when in fact i had only seen him 3 times in Aubrey's 13 years of life!
~Sorry, getting wrapped up in my thoughts.....what is the most important thing here? that is I can honestly say, looking back, we have done nothing but advocate for our kids, and I will never apologize for asking questions or second guessing ANYONE. as a parent we are suppose to do everything for our kids, everything! Even if that means get a 5Th opinion!

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