
Thursday, March 3, 2011

~~Happy Thursday Morning~~
It feels like it has been a crazy few weeks, and now I am starting to get us ready to go to Denver for surgery! wow, this time has come faster then I thought! Packing is getting my anxiety going...thinking how am i going to pack three weeks of stuff in little bags, or without going broke! but alas, I can do it!
Well, last week Miss Madeline LOST her hearing aid...again! its only like the 800th time! That kiddo, just is NOT getting it. espeically since we know it helps her so much! keeping track of it is more then difficult for her. I came home yesterday to start some laundry and shorting clothes....out of the corner of my eye i saw the aid fly through the air! Long story short the dog got it and now it is totally destroyed!

~~On the other hand~~
10 days till time is creeping up!! 11 days till surgery...WOW. so excited!! I dont think Aubrey has a nervous bone in her body...she is SO excited! That does make it easier for me:) GO AUBZ

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog! Good luck with the upcoming surgery! You're right - it is very exciting and scary at the same time. So, so worth it, though! I will be sure to check in for updates!

