
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Today is a good day!

You know there are some good things that I am going to point out about having a child with a hearing loss...
~I love the fact that I can vacuum whenever I want. Even if it is late and the kids are in bed, ha I can still get it done
~Whenever someone calls late or says what time is too late to call, my response is...oh don't worry about waking anyone up in my house. Unless it is a telemarketer, then i give them the Allie MUMMA wrath:)
~You know how when you have little kids and there is a thunder storm...HA I don't have to deal with crying scared kids...(more Aubrey then Madie) but they get to see the awesome lightning and don't have to deal with the scary thunder sound! I will admit there have been times where if it is a really loud BOOM it may scare Aubz...she feels the electric storms:) I am sure her hubby will be so thankful. I told her the other day<>
~the our house we have a 7 minute rule....Aubrey gets away with longer of course. She locks the door (doesn't hear us knocking) and the timer HA means nothing to her!
~~Today I am grateful for my children and the path that we are ALL walking together. It is hard as hell at times, and there are a lot of judgemental people out there and I don"t deal well with that! People who think they can do it better or people who think their way is the best. I say......we are all in this together, no matter what mode of communication we choose, hearing aids or cochlear implants or just being deaf with no assistance. We need to support one another. It doesn't hurt to offer advice, but we need to be there for one another! some days are hard for me, honestly many days are hard for me.....the one thing i can guarantee you is that i will NEVER sugar coat any of my path, my feelings or my thoughts. I am who I am.
~~~Looking forward to Monday...we go see Kelly (our audiologist) for a hearing test on Aubrey's left ear, again she feels that once good hearing aid we got in Denver is no longer what it was! since that left ear was a borderline candidate for the implant....if it has gone down is very possible we will be doing bilateral implants. Which is overwhelming in its self....but it is OK! I am sure one day soon I will be a wreck thinking about it, but today it is OK!!

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