
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~~a decision has been made~~

Wow, a whirlwind of a few days...emotions high and today I am feeling okay. After a night of pure and simple tears, agony and pain...I awoke today feeling like phew glad yesterday is DONE! Everything is going on right now, Frank has started school, his boss has sent him to school to get his welding certificate. So two days a week he is gone from 630 Am to 11PM~~But he is so excited and feels so very proud of himself! I am too I will admit, Frank is a amazing man, who has gown SO much in the 15 years we have been married. Wow, that is a understatement....he has really grown up and become a AWESOME grateful we share our life together!
~Well where to start....As i would assume everyone knows that we are awaiting a cochlear implant for our 13 year old. It has been such a process, painful...lots of tears lots of questions, lots of unknown and a overwhelming butt load of fear! I think back through the 13 years, well actually 10 because she was not diagnosed until 18 months....but I think of the crew of audiologists, doctors, people with name tags:), friends...tests, ear molds, surgeries and ENT'S I come out smiling. Trust me there were moments, days and hours of screaming matches, conversations and research, BUT I would NEVER change a moment. I would maybe take back a few things...or change my attitude towards other things...but change the path, NOPE, NADA NO WAY. The team has changed over the years....some have stayed, some have been fired and some we don't use their services any longer....but all in all I am thankful to be where I am today. With that being said
~Frank, Aubrey and myself...along with some other voices:) have helped us make a choice! We are no longer waiting for ADVANCED BIONICS but in fact choosing COCHLEAR5, There is to much of a loss if we wait it out. Aubrey is a growing girl..her brain is still forming and she has a lot to "hear" I feel that waiting is a selfish choice. As AubZ said when I told pointed out HER ski season was just about to begin and she just started volleyball...."mom, there is always next year, I want to hear, I want to do this now" so here we go....buckle your seat belts because things are going to happen now that are going to be life changing....HUGE!! Where to begin, and that is I made the call today to Denver Children's Hospital...our audiologist and said...lets go, so i sit and wait and pack:) awaiting a phone call back! I can back up and say...Jennifer Kohlb our audiologist has been truly AMAZING. Now we have seen several, and I mean several different audies...and this one is a GEM:)
So as I said....BUCKLE UP....this is where I am going to share my life, our story and our gains. I would love you to be apart of our journey...NEVER hesitate advice or words of wisdom...thanks for reading:)

1 comment:

  1. Moo im behind you 100% and am praying everyday that this will work out great be nothing but the best for her and the family. I love u guys so much.
