
Monday, January 10, 2011

Good Monday Morning...
~~Phew made it through another weekend! As I sit and drink my Monday morning quad shot of coffee I figured it was time to write a update of the winans family!
Madie got her hearing aid back on Friday evening...YEAH, I was shocked at how quickly it came back from repair. In Missouola with a certin audie it was always two and a half three weeks out, ALWAYS! Whenever she has a day of school without her aid, Madie comes home expressing what a horrible day it's so hard to keep up in the second grade world with half a ear:) This morning was a breeze~~the audiologists Secretary made Madie a special box for her aid at night...put a sticker on it and even another sticker with her name! yeah. I also learned that the dry aid kit is not something that we need to use EVERY NITE, it is more for summer or when she has been active and it needs a place to "breath" I was under the understanding that EVERY night NO MATTER what that is where it had to be! its amazing the different things you are told when you switch audiologists.
~~Aubz had a great weekend, last week her MP3 player finally died, she was absolutely LOST, so bummed out. Music is something that gets Aubrey through the day, it sooths her spirit. That is the one thing, well one of the things that has her the most upset with this loss of hearing. The music has slowly faded. It's interesting to see what she does so she can enjoy a song. We had gotten her the Taylor Swift CD for Christmas. Learning the music takes about three days for Aubrey. She will go online and get the words for the music play the song ...match everything up. YouTube has been instrumental, so many times there you can find the song you are looking for that someone has already signed. So she will watch listen and read to get it all down pat! For Aubrey, that is OK. She is used to it, and it is second nature for her. I sit back and think...WOW, what a AMAZING thing. do people realize what some do for pleasure? So anyway back to my story, we ended up buying Aubrey a IPOD, knowing, or so we have been told that the IPOD can directly hook to her implants (when that happens) and she can LISTEN to music in a whole different aspect! but also for now, she can still get something out of turning it up way loud doing her YouTube and enjoying a song! I watch her and take everything in .... and APPRECIATE so much deeper!
~~I keep looking at Advanced Bionics to see if the cochlear is available...daily I find myself looking at the website...ugh, I feel like a kiddo counting down the days till Christmas~~soon, soon soon.....
Hope everyone has a AWESOME Monday.

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