
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

~~I am so ready to CHOKE someone~~
So first let me explain...We as a family decide we are going to go OUT for dinner, all 4 of us...we needed to take Aubrey to get knee pads for volleyball so after that we thought we would get some dinner. It has been a while since all of us have been anywhere together...Aubrey is always at the cottage, volleyball, expressions of silence of off with her buddy T:) So we thought Yeah some time together!
We decide to go to BOSTON'S...(HORRIBLE IDEA) Walking into horrible loud music, TVs going, not just one or two, they had at least 5 HUGE TVS...a zillion people in the bar...then you had all the people in the restaurant. I could already feel the tension and NO ONE had even looked at the menu. Aubrey threw her hearing aid on the table...Madie turned hers off...and I was searching for the nearest BEER list! The waitress comes over and immediately asked her to turn down the music...she even had to lean into me to catch my words...15 minutes later she came to take our drink order, she of course asks Aubrey first...and Aubrey says huh, what? I then sign to her asking her if she wanted pop, milk water or what..Then we have to go over what kind of soda they serve....Finally get that down. Then we move to Madeline, pop, soda, water....and of course she said she didn't know what kind of pop they had to we had to AGAIN go over what the choice was...Then Frank, he made it easy...NOW it was my turn...OHH thank goodness, "I would like vodka/cran DOUBLE from the bar" she says "can I see your ID..SERIOUSLY, lady I have two kids I look 12? "forget it, I will have a diet coke with lemon" Ordering was IMPOSSIBLE, they were out of the soup...everyone wanted, then they had no more of the special..(which was spaghetti something that looked oooo so very yummy) so we had to pick from pictures and reading...I was so looking forward to going home to hide under my bed..ALONE~~
~~You see, restaurants are a pain in the butt! they are loud over stimulating and NOT hearing aid friendly! Part of my frustrations is....Frank, bless the mans heart. He loves his family more then life itself, but he just forgets to sign. As any father would do...he just forgets, and being a man, he struggles BIG TIME. But by the 5th huh, what??? I am about ready to blow. I am the mother, the one who takes care of everyone and so feel like I am letting down Aubz...I am trying to make EVERYTHING...EVERYONE work for her! I am trying to be super mom, and I am failing! So then after I try to nonchalantly say to frank "honey she needs the sign" he then tries and Madie corrects him...and he feels like a ass.. I am so overstimulated and irritaded I am ready to blow...Oh, I forgot to tell sandwhich, the mayo tastes like old wine..NASTY GROSS, so i just decide to share with Aubrey.
I am not even in a space to explain today at the audilogist either...I am tired, cranky and ready to go turn off my brain! Will write more later:) or tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you guys had such an awful time out. I can relate to you when it comes to your husband not signing to your hard of hearing children. My son has normal hearing in the left but none in right. When we are in loud noisy resturants my huband always forgets to sign him instead of yelling across the table or repeating his self 10x. My husband won't pay attention when I try to show him a new sign Christian has learned. Then when Christian is signs new stuff my husband is clueless on what he is saying. Men would never make it without women!
